Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Calculating Your Trailer Payload

The first order of business when towing custom kitchen trailers is safety. To ensure safe towing conditions it’s critical to understand payload and how to correctly calculate maximum payload for your kitchen trailer.


People seldom think about the important topic of payload. Precisely what is payload and what makes it so important? Payload is merely a weight rating. It is the maximum weight that the driver, passengers, and freight should never exceed. Understanding the payload your vehicle and custom kitchen trailer can haul is vitally important for the driver’s personal safety and that of the towing vehicle. Safety can be greatly compromised by overloading a vehicle. And the working parts of your kitchen trailer can also be strained by overloading. Lastly there is a great risk of damaging the vehicle or trailer if maximum payload is exceeded.


The maximum payload is calculated using curb weight and gross vehicle weight rating. Curb weight includes the vehicle and its standard equipment’s weight, the full fresh water tank, full fuel tank, full propane container, and the remaining equipment fluids weight. It excludes any personal cargo or passengers. Though curb weight doesn’t include the vehicle operator and passengers’ weight it is important to include those when calculating payload. Gross vehicle weight should never be exceeded. To calculate payload subtract curb weight and passengers from the gross vehicle weight rating. The figure you arrive at is the payload of your custom kitchen trailer.


Overloading any vehicle can create a dangerous condition and put you and others at risk. You can be cited and fined by law enforcement for an overloaded trailer. Consider upgrading to a larger Custom Trailers USA kitchen trailer. Custom Trailers USA offers kitchen trailers in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Our employees undergo rigorous training to make sure we understand how to help find the right trailer for you - the one that meets and/or exceeds your towing requirements. Custom Trailers USA provides the value and quality you deserve with high quality, efficient, stylish, and affordable custom kitchen trailers.


It’s critical to understand the basics before embarking on towing any trailer. Understanding how to calculate your trailer’s payload and the payload capacity of your towing vehicle will ensure that you safely transport your belongings. Keep in mind that when calculating payload, weight from cargo, passengers, and vehicle operator must be entered into the equation. To learn more about designing your own custom kitchen trailer or how to calculate your trailer’s payload just call, click, or visit Custom Trailers USA.


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